Scoutmaster Minute

Dear Parents and Scout:

Welcome! Our Troop has a proud and storied history that you will enjoy learning about from the other Scouts and Adult Leaders during your future Troop camp outs, hikes and meetings.

Since 1954, Troop 48 has served many young men, awarding over 115 Eagle Scout awards. Our first Eagle Scout Joe Robinson continues his scouting experience for our Troop. We are part of the Piedmont District, which is within the Blue Ridge Mountain Council.

We are a boy led troop. As boys grow within the troop, their leadership skills are utilized in various positions. The Boy Leaders in Troop 48 are expected to run the Troop meetings, plan outings, coordinate activities, and manage camp outs. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters are facilitators of the programs. The Troop Committee works in support of the scouts, scoutmaster, and assistance scoutmasters.

We look forward to learning more about you and what you want to get out of being a Boy Scout.

Yours in Scouting,

Scoutmaster Troop 48

Members of Troop 48 are expected to:

• Follow Scout Oath, Law, Outdoor Code. Respect our meeting facilities

• Wear scout shirt during meetings, campout travels and full Class A during Court of Honor ceremonies

• Attend weekly meetings and participate in monthly outings

• Assist with Troop and Eagle Scout service projects

• Interact appropriately with other scouts and adult leaders

• Stay up on announcements, upcoming events, utilize FB Page

• Assist in troop’s annual fundraising event(s) with parent assistance

Parents should to assist their sons by:

• Supporting program by scheduling time for meetings and outings

• Being aware of announcements and calendar of events

• Allowing scout to become more independent. Know when to assist and when to back off (Don’t just pack gear for him)

• Understanding the troop is boy-led and boy-run.

• Not letting weather stop participation on outings.

• Providing transportation for troop and patrol outings

Additional optional areas:

• Become trained in Youth Protection, become an active committee member, serve as a Merit Badge Counselor

• Attend outings 

Our Troop arranges once-a-month weekend type of camp outs or day outings ranging but not limited to the following:

Tail-gating / District Camporees, Weekend Backpacking / Day Hikes, Summer Camp (Camp Ottari), High Adventure (Whitewater, caving, climbing, etc.), Merit Badge College Training, Prior to camp outs, what to/not to pack is typically discussed.