
Leadership is a skill anyone can learn. Like other scout skills, youth have the opportunity to learn, practice and put leadership skills to work through Adventures with their peers and Service to their community. Leadership is at the core of the Scouting Methods, which when combined with other methods such as the Patrol Method create an integrated program. 

Scouts first experience leadership through interaction within their Patrol. The members of the patrol relay on each other, through planning and coordination by their elected Patrol Leader. Ideally, every patrol member as a role in every outing and event allowing each to learn how the importance of working together. When working together, our Patrols make a Troop.

National Youth Leadership Training

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting, action-packed program designed to provide youth with leadership skills and experience that they can apply within their troops and in other situations requiring leadership of self and others.

Update Oct 2024

Cherokee Scout Reservation, Yanceyville (1.5 hours), Old North Council


Session 1: Dec 28 to Dec 30, 2024

Session 2: Jan 18 to Jan 20, 2025

Registration is open now! Space is Limited!

Camp T. Brady Saunders, Maidens VA, Heart of Virginia Council


6-8-25 to 6-14-2025