Puppy Pen for Animal Shelter

Hunter and his helpers built a concrete, fenced puppy pen for a local animal shelter. The shelter receives very limited funding from the county, so the non-profit “Friends” group makes sure the county’s animals get the care they need.

When Hunter contacted the shelter, they said a puppy pen was needed the most. A concrete, fenced puppy pad would allow puppies to play outside without fear of contagious diseases. At the time, puppies were not allowed to have their feet touch the grass due to illnesses like Parvo.

Volunteers had to play with them in their kennel runs, and they couldn’t go outside in the grass. What they needed was a fenced-in area that could be disinfected and cleaned.

The project took seven months of work. Thanks to a lot of really generous businesses, family members and friends, Hunter was able to raise not just the $1,000 needed to pay for the project, but also more than $1,000 that was then donated to the animal shelter.

— Hunter, Troop 48, Lynchburg, Va.